Summer is over. Most of us are back in our offices/universities and back to our daily routines. It sounds like a tragedy and almost everyone who love travelling is subject to what’s commonly known as post-holiday blues. It’s symptoms include: restlessness, insomnia and lack of concentration (not to mention strong feelings of nostalgia).
Though it may seem like it’s the start of a life crisis, it’s really just a phase we can all get over! We’d like to give you a few tips to making it happen. What better way to do it but with a list of GIFs?
1- Avoid taking all your vacation days off at once so it’s easier when you have to go back to work
2- Take advantage of all the bank holidays and long weekends to take short getaways
3- Think positive
4- Take it easy when you go back to work
5- Make after-work plans.. Stick to those holiday vibes!
6- Treat yourself
7- Keep doing things you did during the summer, it will make your transition to going back to a routine much easier
8- Get a gym membership and GO!
9- Prepare your closet for the new season… we’re going shopping!
10- Eat healthy (Use Instagram to remember all the food you ate during the summer)
11- Redecorate your flat
12- You’ve got a job, you’re lucky!
13- Your friends don’t want to see all your holiday pictures on Facebook
14- Start thinking of your next trip
15- Your favourite TV shows are finally back with new seasons!
16- Keep yourself busy by taking up a new course (e.g. learn a new language, dance, etc.)
17- Get the latest scoop of the gossip going around your office
18- Show-off to those that always talk about how great they are at everything
19- Think about your pet. He’s (probably) glad to have you back home.
20- Having your family and friends around all the time again isn’t that bad.. or is it?
21- Do you have any plans for Christmas holidays? Better start planning soon!
22- Meet up with all your friends because they’ve missed you and are dying to hear all about your holidays
GIFS from
How has it been for you? Leave us a comment with some tips to get over the post-vacational syndrome!