To celebrate its 9 years of existence, Twitter has proposed an interesting initiative involving museums across Europe. In an attempt to attract new visitors, as well as reshape the stereotypical and old-fashioned image of museums (aka dusty, boring places we used to dread as kids), Twitter has invited them to share information and news in a less conventional manner.
For one week (from 23 – 29 March), museums interested in participating will be reaching out to social media enthusiasts with the hashtag #MuseumWeek. And to make things that much more interesting, each day will have its own theme. For yesterday’s theme, titled #ADayInTheLife, museums unveiled behind the scenes footage, shared facts about their history and even opened some private rooms to the public outside opening hours. We are very excited to see what they’ll come up with next!
One things is for sure, we have a lot to look forward to in the upcoming days, with activities ranging from quizzes and riddles (#MuseumMastermind) to Museum Selfie Day (#MuseumSelfies)!
Some of the museums already participating include: Tate Modern (@Tate), the Leeds Cultural Institutions (@ LeedsMuseums), the Louvre (@ MuseeLouvre), Verasailles (@ CVersailles), the Musée d’Orsay (@ MuseeOrsay ), Prado (@ museodelprado), Fundación Dalí (@ MuseuDali), the Picasso Museum (@museupicasso) and Reina Sofía (@ museoreinasofia).
If you want to find out more about this, just sign in to Twitter and follow #MuseumWeek. Have fun!